


1.The temperature changes a lot from morning to evening, so you should wear many layers of clothes. 最近早晚溫差很大,你應該採多層次穿搭法。

2.I would like to invite you to my wedding ceremony. 我想邀你來參加我的婚禮。

3.Which hotel will you live when you arrive in Taipei? 你到台北後,會住在哪家旅館?

4.Relax your mind and observe with your heart, and you will find this trip worthwhile. 只要放鬆心情、用心觀察,你就會覺得這趟旅程是值得的。

5.My supervisor has been offering me great help both physically and spiritually. 我的主管一直給予我很大的幫助,不論是在實質或精神上都有。

6.For this new order, please confirm all details by returning this e-mail A.S.A.P. 關於這個新訂單,請盡速確認所有細節,並回覆本郵件。

Debug Answers

1.The temperature changes a lot from morning to evening, so you should wear layers.

「多層次穿搭法」最道地的表達方式是wear layers,就是出門前穿了一層層的衣服,到了中午天氣變暖和時,再一件件地脫掉衣服。在全年氣候皆涼爽的舊金山很適合這種穿著方式,馬克吐溫即曾說過:"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." (我在舊金山過的那年夏天是我待過最冷的冬天。)

2. I would like to invite you to my wedding.

台灣人的婚宴,多半是採宴客方式,亦即舉辦banquet,通常不會另外舉行「典禮」,因此,邀請人來參加婚宴用wedding或wedding banquet即可。

另外,新娘的英文是bride,新郎是groom,伴娘是bridesmaid,伴郎則是the best man。

3.Which hotel will you stay at when you arrive in Taipei?


4.Relax and observe with your heart, and you will find this trip worthwhile.


5.My supervisor has been offering me great help both psychologically/ spiritually.

Physical是指「身體的、物質的」,如physical activity(體育活動)、physical universe(物質世界)。而精神上的層面亦可用psychologically表示。

6.For this new order, please confirm all details by replying this e-mail A.S.A.P.

回覆郵件需用reply這個字,return的意思是"to give back",例如:I need to go to the library to return these books.(我需要去圖書館還這些書。)


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新聞提供: 中時電子報

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